Category: Blog


Boosting Immunity Naturally

With flu season upon us and COVID-19 surrounding us, I’ve been getting several requests asking what I do to help my immune system. I am allergic to eggs so cannot take the flu vaccine....

Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil Pack

Worldwide our energy has been affected by the recent pandemic. Finding unique ways to relax has been challenging for many. Our typical activities such as physical fitness, yoga and group meditation are not available....

Comprehensive Nutritional Panel

Nutrition Panel

The most common question I get asked, “What does your diet consist of?”  I am always hesitant to respond.  To me, diet is almost like a fingerprint.  It is unique to you and what...


The Truth About Soy

Soy seems to be in most processed foods.  Why?  Because it’s cheap.  Even worse? It’s not good for you. The impact of soy could be extremely harmful to your health.  One of the contributing...

vacation fat

Vacation Fat

I recently returned from a trip to Arizona with my sister and mom.  We went to my beloved Sedona.  If you haven’t heard of this magical city you must check it out.  It is...

food allergies

Were You Always Allergic?

I use to work in Corporate America.  Part of my job included entertainment of my clients.  Going out to lunch is an event that happens frequently for me.  Whether alone or with others, it...

how to cheat on your thyroid diet

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

While I use to get my blood work tested once every 6 weeks, it’s been reduced to twice a year. Since changing my diet and figuring out what creates inflammation in my body, my...

Restaurant Diet

Let’s Go Out to Eat!

Today I was working on a plan for a client.  I always offer to do a menu analysis of some restaurants they frequent.  While sending the suggestions I noticed a few tips I seem...