
Thyroid Hormone Balancing

My focus is on Health, Wellness & Nutrition Coaching with an emphasis on the endocrine system, primarily thyroid and hormonal related. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2008 and have learned to eat intuitively. I have followed the autoimmune protocol, various cleanses and now understand what works with my body and what my digestive system can handle. I am well versed in nutrition, fitness, stress relief and simply aligning priorities and developing a strong mind body connection.

If you can relate to one of the following, hiring a coach will be extremely beneficial.

  • Are you stuck and cannot figure out why you aren’t losing weight?
  • Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid issue and are still struggling to maintain weight loss and sustain energy?
  • Did you reach an age where all of a sudden you “can’t eat everything you use to” without gaining weight?
  • Have you decided to put more of an emphasis on healthy eating, but aren’t sure where to start?
  • Do you know exactly what to do but simply cannot stay on track?
  • Are you tired of feeling sluggish, moody and depressed?

I look forward to hearing from you!